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Santa Tecla, Tarragona's local festivity

Get ready for the typical events of one of the most awaited days of the year in the city

Santa Tecla, Tarragona's local festivity

The festivities of Santa Tecla in Tarragona are approaching and, as usual, with a large number of events prepared for all attendees. In this article we are going to detail how you can celebrate these so awaited dates, starting on the 12th of September.

The festivities will bring the “Séquito Popular, where the cabezudos and figurants will dance while the musicians play some traditional instruments. Another successful event is the traditional Correfoc (fire runner), which will say goodbye to the festival. If you have never seen a fire run, as a quick summary we can tell you that it is a traditional Catalan act where a group of people run, jump and dance among flames and fireworks through the streets while the drums mark the rhythm.

As is customary in many towns in Catalonia, there will be a spectacular display of castellers (human castles), so if you've never seen it live, you can't miss this opportunity.

But all this is not the only thing you will find in these festivities, there will also be "La crida i la nit inaugural", a live Folklore show followed by a family concert, the Little Santa Tecla, on the eve of the 22nd of September, which will include the first full departure of the Popular Complex with dances and music, arriving on the 23rd, the day of Santa Tecla with the departure of the Popular Procession and the procession of the arm of Santa Tecla, followed by the fireworks display at the Punta del Milagro. Finally, on the 24th is ‘Mercè’, when the castellers will go up and down the 20 steps of the steps of the Cathedral with a four-storey construction, and then take it to the Town Hall. In the evening, there will be the previously mentioned fire run to close all the events.

Do you want to enjoy these special dates for Tarragona and Costa Dorada? Traveling by bus is a safe and low-cost option, so book your transfer from Barcelona airport or Reus airport with BusPlana and don't miss these events. We also offer services to Camp de Tarragona AVE station. Check our schedules and routes at www.empresaplana.cat.


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